Solved Hello


New member
I everyone i'm fairly new to the game and thrilled to play it yet I started as a guest profile to see if the game was suitable for me and seeing was amazing decided to create an account... Unfortunately I lost all the previous achivements and levels is there any way for me to sync the new account ao I wont lose any progress?


Staff member
Hello there and welcome to the cursed castle 🤗

Creating an account doesn't currently sync your guest progresses as it's like a new and separate account. We could, however, try to turn your old guest account into an official account by changing its username.

Do you remember your guest username?


Staff member
Perfect, we just transferred your inventory, exp, gold and level! Your skills will be moved soon. PS: you can join us on Discord if you prefer, we have an Italian team ready to help you out when you want (me included) 👍